In both the South and North of Israel, citizens were uprooted from their homes and evacuated to makeshift shelters...but even amongst all this darkness, there's still a glimmer of hope. These innocent people, facing the harsh realities of conflict, simply seek stability and a touch of normalcy. In response to all the turmoil, we embarked on a mission of creating space spaces for the most vulnerable amongst us.
Finding Hope in War Zones: Establishing Preschool Education Centers for Displaced Children
Our mission is to establish preschool education centers, offering a safe haven to those unjustly affected by war. These centers aim to support displaced citizens, with a special focus on nurturing the minds of children aged 0-6. Despite the surrounding chaos, our goal is to become a source of comfort, fostering hope by creating an environment that allows an escape from present challenges.
Our Mission
Our Goals
Take a look at what we've achieved – over 30 education centers providing refuge to those seeking the comfort of education. Yet our journey continues. In the coming weeks, we plan to establish 15 more centers, each a small tribute to our unwavering dedication.
The cost of equipping one Civilian Emergency Squad, which includes an average of 16 volunteers, is approximately $24,000. Our aim to equip all 500 squads for a total cost of approximately $12M USD.
How Can You Help
Our nation remains scarred by war, and urgent help is still required. 50 education centers are yet to be established. This is not a grand declaration but a simple call to action, a plea to address the education deficit that we face.
Let's come together, break barriers, and build a future where every child, irrespective of circumstance, can expand their knowledge and find hope amongst this darkness.
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